GHG Emissions

Doing our part in addressing climate change is more than a responsibility – it is our obligation to future generations. Reducing our environmental footprint is a focus area for our operations that drives how we connect sustainably. Review our Calendar Year 2023 (CY23) Report below.

Annual GHG Emissions Report - Banner Image

CY 2023 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

NetImpact Strategies, Inc. measured and established a baseline of our greenhouse gas emissions for Calendar Year 2022 for all facilities leased and controlled by the company. 


This report provides NetImpact’s GHG emissions measurement of our Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions for CY 2023. Scope 1 emission does not apply to NetImpact’s nature of business.  NetImpact attests that the Scope 2 and Scope 3 GHG emissions were calculated following the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. 


In calendar year 2023, NetImpact’s Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions measured approximately 92.72 metric tons CO2e, which is 16.3% higher than the previous year. The primary factor contributing to this increase is the incorporation of employee travel in this year’s data.


The primary sources of NetImpact’s emissions consist of electricity used in the facilities we lease (commercial office space) and employee travel. Employee travel includes daily commutes to NetImpact HQ and any travel for company business.

CY23 Emissions Breakdown

NetImpact GHG emissions analysis source are as summarized below:

GHG Emissions by Categories
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GHG Emissions by Scope
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Reduction Targets

NetImpact is committed to further reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and our impact on the climate and will establish annual reduction targets beginning in 2024. We believe that establishing and meeting these short and mid-term goals will enable us to achieve a reduction in our emissions to net-zero by or before 2030. 


NetImpact emissions analysis downloadable source are available below: