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Cyber-Supply Chain
Risk Manager

Secure circle of confidence for your Cyber Supply Chain

Empower your organization’s cyber resilience with DX360°® C-SCRM: Automated, holistic risk management for robust supply chain security and decision-making.


Secure Your Supply Chain with DX360°® C-SCRM

DX360°® C-SCRM is an essential tool for any organization looking to understand its complex supply chain and manage risks and treatments effectively. DX360°® C-SCRM app helps organizations to identify, evaluate, assess, quantify, manage and monitor risks hidden in complex supply chains and make better risk-based decisions based on a holistic view.

The application enables users to identify, quantify, and manage risk, guides them by providing libraries of risks (introduced by the selection of components, systems, and even vendors for proactive, predictive risk identification), and provides targeted treatments plans for selected risks to improve the organization and ability to mitigate or reduce their supply chain risks. The app’s dashboards and analytics provide users at all levels of the organization and across multiple organizational units, with detailed insight on the impact of supply chain risks and allows them to assign the right resources and treatments to critical risks.

The app provides a real-time view of how risks evolve (is the risk increasing/decreasing, or being “burned down” – mitigated), how the treatments are implemented, and if their risk treatments are effective. The risk can be managed at the portfolio or even enterprise level from both a strategic and tactical view. DX360°® C-SCRM also provides methods for updating risk profiles for vendors and components, etc. as new data becomes available (service incidents, new vulnerabilities) as well as importing risk and treatment models for extensibility.

Secure Your Supply Chain with Cyber-Supply Chain Risk Manager

Mitigate supply chain risks effectively with Cyber-Supply Chain Risk Manager. Identify, assess, and manage risks across your complex supply chain for better decision-making and enhanced cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Manager empowers organizations to navigate complex supply chains and effectively manage risks. This application enables a comprehensive understanding of supply chain intricacies, facilitating proactive risk identification and treatment. Users leverage risk libraries for component selection, system integration, and vendor choices. By making informed, risk-based decisions and implementing targeted treatment plans, organizations enhance their ability to mitigate supply chain risks. Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Manager is a crucial tool for ensuring a resilient and secure supply chain ecosystem.

The Cyber-Supply Chain Risk Manager app offers intuitive dashboards and advanced analytics for detailed insights into supply chain risks. Stakeholders can allocate resources and implement tailored treatments based on real-time monitoring. Strategic and tactical views enable effective risk management at the portfolio or enterprise level. The app supports updating risk profiles and incorporates new data for vendors and components. With extensibility, organizations can import risk and treatment models, enhancing their risk management capabilities. Ensure a secure supply chain with the Cyber-Supply Chain Risk Manager app’s comprehensive features.

Key Features

Automated Vendor Onboarding to automatically import vendor data and details.

Mature Risk Management Processes with Guided Content and Risk Assessment Wizards for maintaining a robust, mature risk management process (identification, evaluation, assessment/prioritization, treatment, monitoring).

Multiple Risk and Treatment Models (e.g., NIST SP800-161, component vulnerability lists) for proactive identification and management of specific risks that may be realized when implementing or using systems, components, vendors, and third-party suppliers. The treatment models offer potential best practices and industry intelligence-based response strategies.

Support for Cross-Organizational Lifecycle Supply Chain Risk Management across different divisions using different tools and techniques.

Dynamic Reporting and Analytics with tailorable dashboards and analytics for multiple levels of the organization that provide at-a-glance views of your current risks for both strategic (e.g., portfolio/enterprise risk by source, criticality (score)) and tactical (e.g., risk treatments, mitigation effectiveness, treatment activity completion) insights.

Customizable Risk Thresholds and Appetite by providing not only a comprehensive view of risk throughout the organization but also a way to set the “bar” so you can assess when your organization has too much risk. This is coupled with the ability to “burn down” risk (lower any risks score) by working through your treatment plan allows dynamic risk management.

Support for Multiple Risk Sources in a Single Repository through import, view, and management of risks from multiple sources to simplify the view of supply chain risks and better target effective risk mitigation actions.

Key Features

Effortlessly streamline vendor onboarding with Automated Vendor Onboarding, enabling automatic import of vendor data and details for seamless integration and enhanced efficiency.

Elevate your risk management process with Guided Content and Risk Assessment Wizards, ensuring a robust and mature approach to risk identification, evaluation, assessment, treatment, and monitoring.

Leverage Multiple Risk and Treatment Models, including NIST SP800-161 and component vulnerability lists, to proactively identify and manage specific risks associated with systems, components, vendors, and suppliers. Benefit from industry best practices and intelligence-based response strategies.

Enable Cross-Organizational Lifecycle Supply Chain Risk Management, facilitating collaboration and integration of diverse divisions with varying tools and techniques for comprehensive risk management.

Gain dynamic reporting and analytics capabilities with customizable dashboards, providing strategic and tactical insights into current risks, treatments, and mitigation effectiveness at multiple organizational levels.

Set customizable risk thresholds and appetite to assess and manage risk levels across your organization. “Burn down” risk by implementing treatment plans, ensuring dynamic risk management and mitigation.

Centralize and streamline supply chain risk management by importing, viewing, and managing risks from multiple sources in a single repository. Enhance risk mitigation actions for improved effectiveness.

Streamlined Supply Chain Risk Management

Robust Risk Identification based on industry best practices such as NIST SP800-161, known issues/vulnerability lists, and vendor performance ratings.

Consistent Management of Supply Chain Risks throughout the lifecycle with appropriate treatments for each phase from evaluation and acquisition to decommissioning/retirement.

Reduced Time to Start Remediating Risks with effective risk treatments and treatment activities recommendations to jumpstart your risk mitigations.

Holistic View of Risk considering both strategic and tactical views of supply chain risk to prioritize the resources to support specific mitigation and/or controls.

Customizable Risk and Treatment Models offer flexibility to add to and modify the models as you develop new risks and treatments.

Success with Comprehensive Strategy Products

NetImpact’s DX360°® PlatformFirst® apps provide federal agencies with robust, user-friendly solutions for key challenges. These sophisticated apps, based on years of government software development, boost efficiency, comply with regulations, and drive results. Built on a secure framework, they streamline processes, enhance data management, and improve decision-making. Advanced analytics and AI enable fast, informed decisions by analyzing complex data. The platform’s adaptable and scalable nature suits various federal department needs, ensuring tailored solutions for maximum impact.


Streamline your federal organization’s cybersecurity and compliance efforts with DX360°® Cybersecurity Products, empowering you to stay ahead in today’s ever-changing threat landscape.

Citizen Development

Accelerate digital transformation by empowering mission experts with NetImpact’s low-code, no-code (LCNC) platform, fostering innovation and citizen-led solutions for the federal community.

Digital Dexterity

Unlock your organization’s digital potential with NetImpact’s DX360°® solutions. Enhance digital dexterity, streamline processes, and empower your workforce for sustainable success in the digital era.

Case Management

Streamline case management processes and enhance collaboration with DX360°® Case Manager solutions. Secure, adaptable, and efficient tools to meet your specific case management needs.

Benefits: Streamlined Supply Chain Risk Management

Gain insights, manage risks, and make informed decisions with the Cyber-Supply Chain Risk Manager app. Simplify risk identification, treatment, and monitoring for effective supply chain risk management.

Industry-Standard Risk Identification: Utilize NIST SP800-161, vulnerability lists, and vendor ratings to identify risks in alignment with industry best practices, enhancing risk management accuracy.

End-to-End Supply Chain Risk Management: Ensure consistent risk management across the entire lifecycle, implementing suitable treatments at each stage, from evaluation and acquisition to decommissioning, for comprehensive risk mitigation.

Accelerated Risk Mitigation: Streamline the process of remediating risks with recommended treatment activities, enabling organizations to swiftly initiate effective risk mitigation strategies.

Comprehensive Risk Perspective: Gain a comprehensive understanding of supply chain risks by considering both strategic and tactical viewpoints, allowing for targeted resource allocation and effective mitigation strategies.

Flexible Risk and Treatment Models: Customize and adapt risk and treatment models to accommodate evolving risks and treatments, ensuring a tailored approach to address your organization’s specific needs.

Enhanced Collaboration and Communication: Foster collaboration and communication among stakeholders, facilitating effective risk management by sharing insights, exchanging information, and coordinating mitigation efforts.